Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Intro: Europe 2.0

Hey everyone!! I took a long break from my last blog which documented my travels around the world while I was living in Rome, Italy, but I've decided to start things back up again. This time I have a new addition by my side to share in my adventures. I'm living in Venice, Italy right now with my girlfriend, Sadie Wilhelmi, and we are both performing in the American entry for the Biennale di Venezia. We are representing the Indianapolis Museum of Art ( and bringing to life the artistic concepts of the artist couple Guillermo Calzadilla and Jennifer Allora. We've already had an incredible time out here that has given us both some life changing moments that we want to share with you all. Both Sadie and I will regularly blog with new stories, photos, and videos of our experiences out here not only about the Biennale, but also about our travels and other performing opportunities we have in the works. We'll also give you a glimpse into the life of two performers as we live in one of the most unique cities in the world. Stay tuned as we eat, discover, perform, and learn about this part of the world one adventure at a time... Dave and Sadie

**Pics from Biennale were taken by Andrew Bordwin and Type A for the Indianapolis Museum of Art

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